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\hfill \thepage} %} \input{tcilatex} \begin{document} \vspace{1pt}``One Dimensional Search methods'' Chong/Zak Chapter 7 Author: Robert Beezer History: 1999/03/15\qquad First version. \vspace{1pt} \vspace{1pt} Setting: \ $f:R\rightarrow R$ \ is unimodal (i.e. has just one local minimizer) on the interval \ $\lbrack a_{0},b_{0}\rbrack $. \ Draw it and find it. \vspace{1pt} \subsubsection{Golden Section Search} \vspace{1pt} \begin{enumerate} \item Move from \ $\lbrack a_{0},b_{0}\rbrack $ \ to \ $\lbrack a_{1},b_{1}\rbrack $. \ Compare \ $f(a_{1})$ \ to \ $f(b_{1})$ \ to see which is smaller. \ Note that just one evaluation is not enough to see where the answer lies.\bigskip \item Desire \ $a_{1}-a_{0}=b_{0}-b_{1}=\rho (b_{0}-a_{0})$, \ \ $\rho <% \frac{1}{2}$ \ \ so intervals are symmetric. (Sketch) Careful argument: \ \begin{enumerate} \item Suppose \ $f(a_{1})